API Documentation

Requests can be made to any of the URI’s below, strictly using the HTTP methods indicated.

The body of all responses contains valid JSON objects. Unless otherwise noted, successful requests get as response a 200 (OK) status code for response, and true in the response body. Failed requests will get responses with some HTTP error code in the 400s, and a string describing the problem in the response body.

Supported methods:


Lists existing mailing lists on the server.

Method: GET

URI: /

Returns a list of the mailing lists that exist on this server.


Lists subscribers for the listname list.

Method: GET

URI: /<listname>

Returns an array of email addresses.


Posts an email to the mailing list.

Method: POST

URI: /<listname>/sendmail


  • name_from: name of the poster
  • email_from: email address of the poster
  • subject: the subject of the message
  • body: the body of the message.
  • in_reply_to (optional): Message-ID of the message that is being replied to, if any.

Adds a new subscriber to the list called <listname>

Method: PUT

URI: /<listname>


  • address: email address that is to be subscribed to the list.
  • fullname: full name of the person being subscribed to the list.
  • digest: if this equals true, the new subscriber will receive digests instead of every mail sent to the list.

Unsubsribe an email address from the mailing list.

Method: DELETE

URI: /<listname>


  • address: email address that is to be unsubscribed from the list